b'Dear Partners,Carrepairisanextremelychallengingtrade.Whataddstothe complexity is the ever-changing technology which requires constant training, trial and error, and simply time to turn newly acquired skills into routines.At times car- and parts manufacturers turned out new technical solutions at breathtaking speeds. In recent years, however, this has shifted. While the change to battery powered drive trains is somewhat revolutionary, the 92%ofnewcarregistrationsinQ2of2024withinternalcombustion engines have seen little technological advancements from previous models.The European car manufacturers continue selling their traditional line-ups quite successfully, but any model change is mostly an update of what we have seen before. Face lifts, new cockpit designs, advance lighting options give the impression of progression, but under the hood not much is changing except some turbo boost to post more power and faster acceleration.For the Aftermarket this may not be a bad thing at all. When speci\x1fc models are produced for an extended period, more of the same parts are needed and consequently more suppliers compete for the volume. Larger numbers and longerproductionrunsofthesamepartbringdownthecostand availability generally improves for years to come. At the same time, learning and mastering the repair of speci\x1fc systems over an extended period of time, reduces the proportional investment in training and pays o\x1e through faster repair and declining installation errors. Based on that fundamental trend, the development of specialty tools which help to simplify and accelerate the repair process has become ever more intriguing. Most often it is the shops that \x1fgure out a better way of doing a repair than suggested by the OEs and build the necessary tools themselves. For some like AGA Tools & Products this became their dedication, and their range of products all simplify a speci\x1fc procedure.At SSF we are searching for and adding those solutions to our program.Atthesametime,weworkwithtechnicaltrainers that focus on optimizing the repair procedures. Combining the right parts with the right tools and the most e\x1dcient procedures is what allows for healthier margins in car repair.Adeceleratinginnovationcyclemightjustbethelemonthat creates lemonade for the AftermarketYours,Thomas Beer'