b"Keep those gloves on when you pull the batterydedicated environment, while ensuring thatIs your shop EV and hybrid ready? service disconnect. This is often the time whereeach and every sta\x1f member understandsAfter IMI certi\x1fcation trainingthe temptation to take the gloves o\x1f becomesthe seriousness of these life and deathit de\x1fnitely will be!real, but please \x1eght through those thoughtsboundaries. and leave the gloves on. 4. DisconnectOnce inside the shop, Shop preparation occupying the designated space, its critical There is absolutely zero room for error, which isto engage the vehicles parking brake to why EV safety preparedness begins well before aprohibit any tire rotation that could create a Hybrid or EV vehicle rolls into your bay.charge. Then, the vehicle can be put on the lift for further inspection and the Speci\x1ecally: disconnecting procedure of the High Voltage System can begin. When you work on a 1. Designated Room for RepairThat EV repairHybrid Transmission the Battery must be section needs a clear 16 ft. radiusdisconnected from the Vehicle system and surrounding it, roped o\x1f with proper EVveri\x1eed for the absence of Voltage to safety signage/no trespassing. A clean workeliminate any risk for electrocution. Please environment is extremely important for thefollow the Vehicle speci\x1ec OEMs during a repair. When High VoltageDisconnecting Procedure.Connections are open during repair, please always cover the connection those5. Another great source is looking into OEMs connection and protect from any dirt or dust.Emergency Response Guides (ERG). (Do youThis is important especially by removing Transmissions on Hybrid vehicles.OEM Repair ProceduresBefore Contamination could be the root cause ofPulling Service Disconnectbattery \x1eres and unfortunately, they are aPlease ensure you have the OEM procedures reality, and you want to eliminate anyavailable before you start pulling the service possible fuel to the \x1ere for scenarios likedisconnectdo not only read them beforehand this. but have them with you at the vehicle. That way, if you're having di\x1dculty getting that disconnect 2. TaggingUse of a color-coded labelingout, you can look at the procedures and system to clearly tag each EV serves to alertunderstand all the interlocks and all sta\x1f members to the status of a vehicledisengagement steps needed before you before the battery has been o\x1dciallyattempt to get that disconnect out. disengaged.Disconnecting the High Voltage Service disconnect and verifying the absence of Green= all clear Voltage is most important when you are Yellow= active, but current state unknown performing Service work around the High Voltage system.Red= high voltage and/or battery cell damage detected No Room for ComplacencyThere is a tendency to view an EV repair 3. Lock outOnce an EV/Hybrid rolls inside, itslike any other.There is absolutely no very important to commit the designatedsubstitute for pulling OEM repair space within your shop where BEV/HEVprocedures. It is my professional opinion vehicles are being repaired, and access canthat any shop exploring EV work to be limited to those authorized to work in thefollow OEM recommendations for space. Yellow and black tape andcerti\x1ecations and training around caution/danger signage are all crucialHigh Voltage Technology.elements to reinforce the importance of this 10"