b'Dear Partners,We hope you had a solid start into what already appears to be a dynamic 2025.AtSSF,theyearstartedwithapivotalmomentwhenwe decommissionedourlegacyITinfrastructureandconcludedour Digital Transformation. This was a 3-year undertaking that enabled ustousebest-in-classcloud-basedsoftwaresolutionsand processestoimproveeverypartofouroperation. Wehopeyou barely noticed the behind-the scenes transition, but if you did, we much appreciate your patience!While technological infrastructure is the foundation to being able to execute on a longer-term strategy, we obviously want you to experience immediate bene\x1fts. Therefore, our focus for the coming monthsistocontinuetofurtherimproveourinventory\x1fll-rate through the support of a much-advanced forecast algorithm that allows us to respond much faster to demand \x1euctuations. Atthesametime,weredesignedthereplenishmentsystem between our Distribution Centers and local warehouses. Through muchshortercycle-timeswewillincreasetheconsistencyof available inventories to our delivery and shipping customers alike and minimize any out-of-stock.To close the loop for the product \x1eowing between you and SSF, a much simpli\x1fed and accelerated return process will save you time and e\x1dort getting the return authorized and credited in record time.There are surely some unknowns ahead of us in the coming months ranging from trade policies to tari\x1ds to EV mandates.Whatwillnotchange,however,isourcommitmenttofocusing exclusivelyonourEuropeancarlines,providinganever-growing parts o\x1dering, expanded technical training o\x1dering, and remaining a family-owned business. Because we want to focus entirely on the business that matters to us mostYours!Yours sincerely,Thomas BeerCEO'