b'No more bad airThe filter construction conceptFive times protection for Total protection for you & your family. at a glance: clean and healthy air.No more bad airNo more bad airThe filter construction conceptFive times protection for The filter construction conceptFive times protection for Total protection for you & your family. at a glance: clean and healthy air.Total protection for you & your family. at a glance: 540.000clean and healthy air.Did you know.?liters of air Blue.care: Multiplestudieshaveshownthatairqualityinyourcarhasper hour of drive time The right filter for every model. morequickly asignificantinfluenceonyoursafety.WhenairisthickwithPollen|Oneinfivepeopleus.Theyspreadeven Multiplestudieshaveshownthatairqualityinyourcarhassuffers from a pollen allergywhen the weather is moist and warm. MultiplestudieshaveshownthatairqualityinyourcarhasPollen|Oneinfivepeopleus.Theyspreadevenmorequickly pollutants,driversconcentrationcansuffer,resultinginaPollen|Oneinfivepeopleus.Theyspreadevenmorequickly asignificantinfluenceonyoursafety.Whenairisthickwithandallergiesareincreasing.MoreBlue.care protects you from mold and asignificantinfluenceonyoursafety.Whenairisthickwithsuffersfromapollenallergywhen the weather is moist and warm. higher risk of accidents.andsuffers from a pollen allergywhen the weather is moist and warm. pollutants,driversconcentrationcansuffer,resultinginamorechildrenareamongthemold spores. pollutants,driversconcentrationcansuffer,resultinginaandallergiesareincreasing.MoreBlue.care protects you from mold and andallergiesareincreasing.MoreBlue.care protects you from mold and higher risk of accidents.Up to 540,000 liters of air can enterMake sure you have clean and filteredsufferers. Dripping noses and wateryand almost all current series productionmold spores. higher risk of accidents.Get five time andmorepuremold spores.areamongthe s the protection forchildren andmorechildrenareamongthe Cabinairfilterscreatehealthy,com- fromallergiesornot,youllbreatheyour car for every hour of driving time.air in your car! eyescanalsonoticeablyaffectthemodels. Just ask your repair shop! They andhealthy sufferers.Drippingnosesandwaterairinyourvehiclenow! sufferers. Dripping noses and watery 540.000eyess are ava alsoO ls ther | Wh af appy to t the Cabinairfilterscreatehealthy,com- fromallergiesornot,youllbreathefortableair.Theyeffectivelyblock deep and enjoy the improved climate inStudieshaveshownthatthisairisdriversettention.Blue.careprotectsprofessiona dourse will bee fec re in a Blue.car a cabin air filter canilablenoticeablyeth h r you tell Cabinairfilterscreatehealthy,com- fromallergiesornot,youllbreatheeyescanalsonoticeablyaffectthe fortableair.Theyeffectivelyblock deep and enjoy the improved climate inpollen,finedust,bacteria,andun- your vehicle. Did you know.?you from allingBlue.care:u about the el,antr asi of ly fangingtsOdours|Whetheryoureina dr ehiclecommon filtes Blue.careprotecv iversattention.n fraround five times more contaminatedforallleadergens that manufacturerrsyoutunnadv eaage eshchertilized fortableair.Theyeffectivelyblock deep and enjoy the improved climate inliters of air driversattention.Blue.careprotectsOdours | Whether youre in a pollen,finedust,bacteria,andun- your vehicle. you from allergens that common filterstunnel, near a freshly fertilized pleasantsmells.Whetheryousufferwith exhaust, pollutants, and allergenscant block!yoer cabr driving r r a ularly. plant fi ld, oin air filtebyegpur fication 540.000 pollen,finedust,bacteria,andun- your vehicle. you from allergens that common filterstunnel, near a freshlyilized fertpleasantsmells.Whetheryousufferpleasantsmells.Whetheryousufferthan air at the roadside. Active carbonMeltblownBiofunctionalcant block!The right filter for every model. or driving by a purification plant ElectrostaticFilterDid you know.?orconstructionsite:Noonewantsfield,uctionsite:Noonewants per hour of drive time cant block!field, or driving by a purification plantx- orBlue.care: liters of air constrOurtip:Havethecabinairfilteretohaveunpleasantsmellsintheir orconstructionsite:Noonewants ElectrostaticFilterActive carbonMeltblownlayer layer unctionallayer Fine dust | Fine dust particleschanged twice a year, or at least everytoThe right filter for every model.medium fleece Biof medium per hour of drive time haveunpleasantsmellsintheir medium fleece layer ElectrostaticFilterActive carbonMeltblownBiofunctionaltovehicle unp lue.careprotectsyo eir medium layer have.B leasantsmellsinth ueven medium fleece medium layer Fine dust | Fine dust particlesvehicle.Blue.careprotectsyoueven Your advantages at a glance:candusnificae duafarct les15,000 kilometers. rotects ammevenand Fine sigt | Finntlyst pfetic ourvefrompungenrep acridyouonia hicle.Blue.cator Your advantages at a glance:cansignificantlyaffectourfrompungentoracridammoniaand Your advantages at a glance:Electrostatic mediumMeltblown mediumhealth.Theycanificantl rat aff de tpurfromphurentes. acridammoniaand cansign penet yeec e o intosul pung gas or Electrostatic mediumMeltblown mediumhealth.Theycanpenetratedeepintosulphur gases.Electrostatic mediumMeltblown mediumhealth.They can penetrate deepintosulphur gases.Almost 100 % of all allergens caught Almost 100 % of all allergens caught tion keepswith pre-filter function keepsfiltersoutfinedust(includingmicro- your bronchial tubes or even get intotubesorevengetinto with pre-filter func filtersoutfinedust(includingmicro- yourbronchial Ideal protection against the pollens that cause Ideal protectAlmost 100 % of all allergens caught ticles. UptoFunction 0lter f rstion keepsBlue.care filte ak Active carbon h Pollen filter ro- Upto540,000your bronchialGetfiveven get intoprotectionforpurethereisaGetWork smarter.ion against the pollens that cause with pr 0 fi lite unc ofaircanenterM rse suredust(includingmic d filteredyourbloodtubes or e times theButand almost all current series production out coarse par 540,0 e- withdiametersoutfine you ave clean an yourButthereisa out coarse particles. particleswithdiameterssmallerthanstream.bloodstream. particlessmallerthan filterIdeal protection against the pollens that cause out coarse particles. particleswithdiameterssmallerthanyourbloodstream.Butthereisa hay fever, and other airborne pollutants hay fever, and other airborne pollutants your car for every hour of driving time.air in your car! waytoeffectivelyprotecteffec yourvehiclenow!tmodels. Just ask your repair shop! The teria | An infinite number 2.5 m). 2.5 m). wayhealthyairintivelyBacteria | An infinite numberBacandtoyourself:ht filter here:yourself: You can find more information and the rig proteclitersofaircanenterMake sure you have clean and filteredfivetimestheprotectionforpureand almost all current series production hay fever, and other airborne pollutants Neutralizes allergens2.5 m). waytoeffectivelyprotectyourself:Bacteria | An infinite number Resistant to mold and bacteriaFilter fleeceBlue.carefiltersstopalmostallfineoftypesofbacteriaarein Resistant to mold and bacteriaFilter fleeceBlue.care st.com/blue.carestallfineoftypesofbacteriaarein and bacteria www.hengfiltersstopalmoStudieshaveshownthatthisairisBlue.care cabin air filters are availableprofessionals there will be happy to tell Resistant to mold and bacteriaFilter fleeceyour car for every hour of driving time.air in your car! oftypesofbacteriaareinandhealthyairinyourvehiclenow!models. Just ask your repair shop! The Blue.carefiltersstopalmostallfine Removes almost all fine dust fromincreases dust retention (capacity). Biofunctional layer dust.theairallaroundus.Thankstoa the vehicles interior Removes almost all fine dust fromincreases dust retention (capacity). Biofunctional layer anti- Studieshavedust.thatforallleadingtheairallaroundus.ThankstoaadvantagesofGreatvehicleclimates Removes almost all fine dust fromaround five times more contaminatedBiofunctional layer shownthisairisvehiclemanufacturers youaboutthechangingcoating,professionals there will be happy to tell increases dust retention (capacity). which has andust.theairallaroundus.ThankstoaBlue.care cabin air filters are availablefilterthe vehicles interior Filters bad-smelling andcontains nanosilver, which has an anti- specializedcoating,Blue.carefilters contains nanosilver,specializedBlue.care Increase security and comfortthe vehicles interior hazardous gases (ozone,t. contains nanosilver, which has an anti- around five times more contaminatedspecializedcoating,Blue.caour cabin air filter regularly. allcontrolFivetimesthe advantages of changing Active carbon layerwith exhaust, pollutants, and allergensyrefiltersareresistanttobacteria.Thishelps microbial effecsmog, exhaust) forleadingvehiclemanufacturers you about Increase security and comfortActive carbon layermicrobial effect. areresistanttobacteria.Thishelps while driving Increase security and comfortActive carbon layermicrobial effect. Moldareresistanttobacteria.Thishelpsthem maintain their filter function at all separates out vapors, odours, and harm- andspores|Mold while driving while driving gases(ozone,nitricoxide,sulphurthan air at the roadside. with exhaust, pollutants, and allergensMoldthem maintain their filter function at allprotection for your separates out vapors, odours, and harm- Moldandsporesyour cabin air filter regularly.fulseparates out vapors, odours, and harm- Moldandsporessporesthatcanhaveantimesfor healthy air in your vehicles Filters fine dustMoldthem maintain their filter function at all gases2,5m up t nitricoxide,sulphurthan air at the roadside. thatcanhaveanOurtip:Havethecabinairfilterex-dioxide). ful(PM (ozone,o 99%) nitricoxide,sulphursporesthattonourtimesfor healthy air in your vehiclesinterior. health.fulgases(ozone,sporesfec canhaveantimesfor healthy air in your vehicles ef healthareallaround dioxide). ters pollen and fine dusteffectonourhealthareallaroundinterior. changed twice a year, or at least everyOurtip:Havethecabinairfilterex-Fil xide). Hengst SE & Co. KG areallaroundinterior.dio effect onourhealth 540.000(PM 10m up to 99%) Nienkamp 55-85 | 48147 Mnster15,000 kilometers. changed twice a year, or at least every Did you know.?Blue.care:540.000www.hengst.com 15,000 kilometers.liters of air Protects your air conditionerDid you know.?Blue.care: per hour of drive time liters of airThe right filter for every model.Function Blue.care Active carbonPollen filter The right filter for every model.filter Function Blue.care Active carbonPollen filter Cabin air filtrationWork smarter.Neutralizes allergensper hour of drive time filter You can find more information and the right filter here:Work smarter.You can find more information and the right filter here: and bacteria Neutralizes allergenswww.hengst.com/blue.care Upto540,000litersofaircanenterMake sure you have clean and filteredUpto540,000Getfivetimestheprotectionforpureand bacteria Get five times the protection for pureand almost all current series productionwww.hengst.com/blue.careGreatvehicleclimate litersofaircanenterand almost all current series production Make sure you have clean and filtered your car for every hour of driving time.air in your car! Filters bad-smelling andeal rivingiri e.yoair ivehiur car! models. Just ask youters bad-smelling andairinyourvehiclenow!models. Just ask your repair shop! TheGreatvehicleclimate your car for every hour of d thya tim nurn yoclenow!Filr repair shop! The andh andhealthy Studieshaveshownthatthisairishazardous gases (ozone,hat e cabi airi ishazardous gases (ozone,professionals there will be happy to tellcontrolFivetimes smog, exhaus vesh Blue. t ar thisn a r filters are availableprofessionals there will be happy to lue llleadingvehiclemanufacturers you about the advantages of changingcontrolFivetimes Studiesha t) ownc smog, exhaust) Bte .care cabin air filters are available around five times more contaminatedaround five times more contaminatedmanufacturers you about the advantages offorallyour cabin air filter regularly. protection for your with exhaust, pollutants, and allergensFilters fine dustforallleadingvehicleyour cabin air filter regularly. changingprotection for your with exhaust, pollutants, and allergensFilters fine dust than air at the roadside. (PM 2,5m up to 99%) (PM 2,5m up to 99%) health.than air at the roadside. Hengst SE & Co. KG Ourtip:Havethecabinairfilterex- health. Filters pollen and fine dustOurtip:Havethecabi s pollen and fine dustHengst SE & Co. KG(PMm up to 99%) Filter nairfilterex- changed twice a year, or at least every 10 (PM 10m up to 99%) Nienkamp 55-85 | 48147 Mnster changed twice a year, or at least every15,000 kilometers. Nienkamp 55-85 | 48147 Mnster Protects your air conditioner 15,000 kilometers. Protects your air conditioner www.hengst.com www.hengst.com25 Blue.care Active carbonPollen filter Function Blue.care Active carbonPollen filter You can find more information and the right filter here:Work smarter.Function filter Neutralizes allergensfilter www.hengst.com/blue.careWork smarter. Cabin air filtrationCabin air filtration and bacteria You can find more information and the right filter here: Neutralizes allergens and bacteria www.hengst.com/blue.careGreatvehicleclimate Filters bad-smelling and Filters bad-smelling andhazardous gases (ozone,GreatvehicleclimatecontrolFivetimes smog, exhaust)hazardous gases (ozone,Filters fine dustcontrolFivetimesprotection for your smog, exhaust)Filters fine dust(PM 2,5m up to 99%) Hengst SE & Co. KG protection for yourhealth.Filters pollen and fine dust (PM 2,5m up to 99%) (PM 10m up to 99%) Nienkamp 55-85 | 48147 Mnsterhealth.Filters pollen and fine dustHengst SE & Co. KG www.hengst.com(PMm up to 99%) Protects your air conditioner10 Nienkamp 55-85 | 48147 Mnster Protects your air conditioner www.hengst.comCabin air filtration Cabin air filtration'